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Thank You To The Women Of Hand Surgery

By Kathleen McKeon, MD

Thank you to the women of hand surgery who came before me. Paving that road must have been lonely and uncomfortable.

I have been in practice for four years. I am the first female surgeon in a large private practice all-orthopedic group in the deep South. I am just over five feet tall. I interviewed for my job when I was 7 months pregnant with twins. I had a third baby two years into practice. And last week, one of my partners said to me “I don’t think of you as my female partner. I just think of you as my partner.” That is what acceptance is all about. I did not achieve that acceptance by myself.

To the women behind me, I promise to further that acceptance. I promise to speak up against misogynist jokes. I promise to continue to explain that “yes, I am the surgeon.” I promise to be an example of a woman with a fulfilling career and a fulfilling family life.

My career path has been relatively smooth and free of roadblocks, thanks to the women who went before me. I promise to leave the road behind me even smoother than the one in front of me.

Comments (3)
Lorrie Doyle
July 13, 2018 1:28 am

Thank you, Kathleen, for such a thoughtful letter. I am amazed and happy at the number of women in the Hand Society: I remember when I was one of eight or nine women in ASSH. As I have put down the scalpel and entered into my retirement years, I wish only the best for the women who are just beginning in this noble profession. If I have, in any way, made it easier for you or any woman hand surgeon, you are most welcome.


Gregory May
July 13, 2018 6:28 am

As the father of four daughters, the oldest two currently in medical school, I appreciate your letter. My partner in practice is female, and has been a fine example of making the road smoother. My wife is an internist, and I believe she also was, and is an example for other women beginning careers in medicine. I know my daughters will start on a more level playing field than their forbearers, and I thank you.


Sandra Collins
July 15, 2018 4:57 pm

Thank you for your kindness to those of us who came before. I’d pass on my thanks to those before me, few though they were when I started residency in the early 90’s. It wasn’t easy always, but it made me into a better surgeon and physician than I might have been had it been smooth sailing the whole time.


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